3.1 Introduction
The path from compact model development to the implementation into a com-
mercial circuit simulator is often time consuming. Moreover, it is not always
straightforward how to implement behavioral models in SPICE-like simulators.
In this chapter, the capability of the analog hardware description language
(AHDL) Verilog-A [73] to handle a state-of-the-art compact bipolar transistor
model mixed with a behavioral substrate coupling model is described. Verilog-
A is a high-level language developed to describe the structure and behavior
of analog systems and their components. It is an extension to the IEEE 1364
Verilog HDL speciØcation for the digital design. The analog systems are de-
scribed in Verilog-A in a modular way using hierarchy and diÆerent levels of
model complexity. The motivation is to move into a higher level of abstraction
in analog design and a combination with the digital design.
The basic programming unit for the structural and behavioral description
of analog systems in Verilog-A is a
. The analog system structure is
deØned through the module's input and output signals and their connections.
On the other hand, a sequence of mathematical equations is employed at the
core of the module to describe its behavior. Here is an example of how a
simple resistor is implemented in Verilog-A